Recording event with photo & video
Eagle Focus provides photography and videography service for events in Hong Kong. Our professional photographers and videographers capture memorable moments and highlights of your event. Captivating event photography and videography is vital to marketing your event. When you’re choosing event photographer and videographer. You’re choosing an artist to trust with your brand. Our event photographers will consult processes and details before shooting. In this way they know what moments and people are most important to capture in photos.
We provide high quality and effective event photography and videography services. We will provide a set number of retouched photos and a digital file of all photos within two weeks. If you would like edit an event video between one and two minutes. We will finish within two weeks. If you need your event videos and photos as soon as possible, we can arrange work schedule.
Finally, we also provide live video & photo for events. It is the easiest way for audience to witness important presentations and performances. Real-time streaming to social media can enhance your video live feed. We can add this service in effective way.
If you have an event plan, why not contact us now.

Value of event photo and video
Increase public influence
How to increase your corporate public influence in event? Our live event filming and web-casting are the perfect solutions. You can open your event up globally with live links. Anyone can connect your event conveniently with extended digital media.
We can help your harness the value of photo&video, via live event shooting and live streaming. Take you event to higher level of accessibility. Not only those with physical disable will find it quick, easy and convenient to connect with your event, but also open your event globally with live links to traditional broadcast and new digital media.
Enhance event experience
As social network development, guests are more interested in post their photos and video on Facebook, twitter and YouTube. Our photo live streaming service will provide all event pictures timely. Anyone with invitation on website, cellphone and Pad can access to cloud photos gallery. They can share photo on social media with their friend, download memorable photos to cellphone, Pad and computers.
Promote corporate branding
Event highlight video is more valuable than traditional TV and print advertising. Short video with 1-2 minutes become more and more popular in cellphone apps. Such as: Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. New technology will encourage your brand in global.
Professional service team
Eagle Focus have 15 years experience in event industry. This enables us deliver best photo and video service for your event. We will work within your brand and event guidelines. Find a creative way bring you concept to life.
We will take time to understand your event aims and insight focus of event. Our team will refine your brief with professional photo & video advice. Animation a motion graphics will work better in video editing depend on your budget. Our expertise team can handle both standard corporate videos and event videos. Such as: corporate publicity video for conference and ceremony, countdown & opening videos for annual dinner and themed party.
Our photo and video service
Our videography and photography services include:
1. Stationary & roving photographers
2. Stationary & roving videographers
3. Multi-video camera shooting
4. Photo and video live streaming
5. Live video & graphics mixing
6. Photo and video editing
Eagle Focus are always ready for new projects, we will deliver best photo & video solutions for unique events on your time and budget. Our team have both creative and technical skills. We are able to solve all issues during your event.
Whether you are looking for live steaming and web casting or a series of independent pre-event videos, event shooting and post-event summary videos. Eagle Focus is a natural and unique choice. Our technical expertise, sophisticated equipment and experienced team know how provide every element you need to maximize your event content.
Once you commission Eagle Focus, a trusted, proven and capable photo and video production team are at your disposal every step of the way. We will make sure all your event AV elements work seamlessly, make the video and photos interact with every other every other elements within your event.

Professional service team
15 years of front-line experience means we never underestimate role of planning in event photos and videos creation. The pre-production phase is crucial to make photo and video different. This step enable everyone use the most available time, and create the best video and photo product to support each event stage.
We will take time to understand your event goals and aims, and use this insight to discover your video or photo focus point. Our event production team will listen to your ideas, work together with you to refine and clarify your brief. We’ll provide best photo&video guidance and recommendations to fit your event needs.
Our manager will work with you to enact budget if needed, consider motion or animation graphic will be better for you, determine whether interview-based videos suit your event, and then brand your eventual choice. Our expertise team can handle both both standard corporate videos and event videos. Such as: corporate publicity video, countdown and opening videos. At the end of event, we can create closing video by using highlights from the event itself.
We can also produce post event summaries, including overall event summaries, keynote speeches, delegate, seminars or guest interviews. These should be planned into event agenda to make sure we capture required content.
Eagle Focus is consist of skilled photo and video production professionals, including photographers, camera operators, vision mixer, photo & video editors. With years of experience, we are professional problem solvers, capable to deal with any live event issue.
Eagle Focus have 15 years experience in event industry. This enable us deliver best photo and video service for your event. We will work within your brand and event guidelines. Find a creative way bring you concept to life. We can provide the best creative solution, on time and budget.
For more information on photography & videography services.
Please contact us, and we will reply to you within 24 hours.