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Military Song Flying Concert

Time: September 21, 2018
Activity Category: Concert
Venue: Shenzhen Bay Chunyi Stadium
Organizer: Documentary film “We are a glorious infrastructure engineer” film crew
On September 21, 2018, “Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and Commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the Collective Re-employment of Infrastructure Engineers in the Deep Forces – Military Songs Flying Concert” was held as scheduled at the Shenzhen Bay Spring Stadium. Eagle Focus provide professional event management from start to end. In concert planning, we are in charge of venue investigation, project design, AV design,  stage and  furniture design, enterprise publicity video editing, concert process schedule, activity declaration. Furthermore, venue decoration, AV equipment installation, stage and furniture building, security arrangements. At last, live photo & video streaming, AV assistance.

Military Song Flying Concert

Military Song Flying Concert

Military Song Flying Concert



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